Strategies for Women Who Are “Sandwiched”: Managing Children and Parents

Are you feeling overwhelmed managing your children and caring for your parents? You are not alone. Many women find themselves in the “sandwich generation”, caring for their kids while also supporting their aging parents. While this can be a challenging task, there are some strategies that can help. Here we’ll explore some tips for managing your time and energy when you’re sandwiched between raising kids and caring for elderly parents.

Understand your priorities and make time for yourself.

We’re all so busy trying to make it through the day that it can feel like there’s no time for ourselves. However, taking the time to better understand our priorities and set aside a few minutes to do something for ourselves can greatly improve our productivity, ability to care for others, and ability to handle unexpected challenges. Spending a few moments each day taking care of yourself will pay dividends in the long run, so take some time now and learn what is important to you. Get started with our Passions & Pursuits worksheet.

Set boundaries with your children and parents.

Establishing boundaries in your relationships with your children and parents can be especially challenging, as you always want to be there for the ones you love the most. However, it’s crucial to ensure that everyone is on the same page about what’s acceptable and what isn’t. Start by clearly setting expectations for yourself, and then for your children and parents, making sure to communicate openly with your loved ones and ask questions to get a better understanding of their point of view as well. Be sure to think about financial boundaries as well. If you are willing and able to help support your aging parents financially, be sure to have a clear understanding of what your capacity is for helping without seriously affecting your own financial security.

Don’t try to do everything — delegate and ask for help when needed.

Everyone has limits and trying to do everything yourself might seem tempting, but oftentimes it’s just not possible. Recognizing your own limitations is invaluable — delegating tasks to others or asking for help will maximize efficiency and allow you to work smarter, not harder. Not only that but relying on others can bring valuable perspectives from outside sources and make room for collaborative problem-solving. If you reach out for help when needed and make use of the resources around you, you’ll be able to tackle any challenge that comes your way. You can read our blog on the power and benefits of delegating here!

Find a support system of other women in similar situations.

Every woman goes through unique situations in her life that can often be hard to tackle alone. If you are ever feeling overwhelmed or unsure about something, it is a good idea to find a support system of other women who may be going through similar experiences. By sharing your feelings and stories with one another, you can help lift each other up, offer empathy and advice, and give emotional and moral support to help cope. As a member of Equita, a financial network by women, for women, this is something I can personally attest to. Reaching out for this kind of support is a wonderful way to stay connected in times of need and can be truly empowering for everyone involved. For more on the value of community, check out my book, Corner Office Choices.

These tips are a great starting point, but they are by no means an exhaustive list. What’s important is that you find what works for you and make time to prioritize your own well-being. Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish — it’s essential if you want to be there for your loved ones in the long run. Get in touch with us to continue the conversation!

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