The Secret World of Hidden Sugars

Karen Roth, Holistic Nutritionist, joined WealthChoice Community on July 11th to share healthy eating tips around hidden sugars in our diets. Many foods you think are healthy often have hidden sugar.  In fact, they may have a substantial amount of sugar.  Why this matters to your health and how to add healthy sweetness to your diet we share below.

The average American consumes 158 pounds of sugar each year, which translates to 3 pounds each week!!

How is this possible? Sugar is hidden in many of the foods we eat on a regular basis. While you might expect to see sugar in jellies and fruit juice, many foods you would not expect have large amounts of sugar in them. In fact 80% of sugar intake comes from hidden sources.

Why does high sugar consumption matter? It affects mental and physical health, increases feelings of depression, anxiety, causes confusion, reduces learning capability, and shortens attention span. It creates uncontrollable cravings, insomnia, headaches, suppresses the immune system, and leads to weight gain, and increases triglycerides which promotes heart disease.


Unfortunately, many foods you think are healthy are laden with sugar. One Dannon Yogurt with fruit on the bottom has the equivalent of 8-1/2 teaspoons of sugar. A Cliff energy bar with chocolate chips had 5-1/4 teaspoons of sugar! And virtually anything labeled Fat Free or Low Fat has hidden sugar in it. Because sugar is often measured in grams, know that 4 grams of sugar is equal to 1 teaspoon when reading labels.


Sugar comes in many forms. Some names to look out for are: high fructose corn syrup, isomalt, molasses, dextrose, sorghum, dextrin, glucose, maltodextrin, syrup, honey, corn sweeteners.


Many artificial sweeteners were accidentally discovered. They were intended as a solvents, refrigerants, even paint remover! They may have had few human trials (Splenda), may break down in our bodies into methanol or wood alcohol (aspartame), may cause severe physical issues, may boost insulin levels (saccharin), and increase sugar cravings.


There are naturally occurring sweeteners that do not cause the health problems sugar and artificial sugars cause. Stevia is a naturally occurring sweetener that is sugar and calorie free, and even safe for diabetics. Xylitol is another natural sweetener from plants, low calorie, safe for diabetics, and can be used in baking. Erythritol is a natural sweetener made from starches and plant sources that is calorie free, sugar free, and nearly as sweet as sugar.

Eating foods low in sugar is one way to keep your diet healthy. Keep cereal below 6 grams per serving. Rather than buying sweetened yogurt, consider plain Greek yogurt sweetened with fresh berries. Replace sugar laden bread in sandwiches with lettuce and skip the tortillas.

You can also control sugar cravings by exercise, add protein to all three meals in a day, avoid artificial sweeteners, use naturally occurring sweeteners, and eat more fruits and vegetables.

Thanks so much to Karen Roth for sharing this valuable information with WealthChoice Community! If you’d like to join us for these monthly events, keep an eye out for our invitations, or reach out to us to be put on the invitation list. You can find our upcoming events on the WealthChoice Events page.