Female Breadwinner Burnout: Recognizing and Managing the Pressure

As more women become the primary earners in their households, the unique pressures of being a female breadwinner become more apparent. Balancing the demands of work, family, and societal expectations can lead to female breadwinner burnout. Let’s look at the signs of burnout and strategies to manage the stress associated with this important role you’ve taken on. 

Let’s talk about what female breadwinner burnout is

Female breadwinner burnout refers to the physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that arises from the responsibilities of being the primary financial provider for a family. Women in this role often face not only the demands of a high-pressure career but also the burden of managing household tasks, caregiving, and societal expectations around gender roles. The weight of these combined responsibilities can lead to chronic stress and burnout.

So What Causes This? 

1. Balancing Work and Family

Female breadwinners often find themselves juggling demanding jobs with household and family responsibilities. This dual burden can become overwhelming, especially when expectations at home mirror the pressure to succeed in the workplace. Of course, this depends on how the family manages at-home responsibilities. 

2. Career Pressure

As the primary earners, women face intense pressure to maintain or increase their income to ensure the family’s financial stability. This need for constant professional success can lead to overwork and exhaustion.

3. Societal Expectations

Traditional gender roles still influence societal perceptions of women, creating additional stress for female breadwinners. Women may feel the pressure to “do it all”—be the ideal professional, mother, and partner—leading to feelings of guilt and inadequacy when they cannot meet these impossible standards.

What Does Female Breadwinner Burnout Look Like?

Burnout doesn’t appear overnight. It manifests overtime, with symptoms also intensifying over time. Here are some common signs of burnout that female breadwinners may experience: 

  • Emotional Exhaustion: Feeling drained and unable to cope with daily tasks or work responsibilities.
  • Physical Fatigue: Chronic tiredness, difficulty sleeping, and an overall lack of energy.
  • Irritability and Frustration: Growing easily annoyed, especially with family members or coworkers.
  • Isolation: Feeling disconnected from friends, family, or your partner due to overwhelming work and personal demands.
  • Anxiety or Depression: Constant worrying about finances, work performance, or family responsibilities, which can lead to mood swings, sadness, or a sense of hopelessness.

And you would not be alone in these popping up as you work towards major career goals. But it’s important to recognize them first, and then make a plan to reduce them so you don’t reach total burnout. 

Symptoms of Burnout 

Over time some of the same repeating feelings and symptoms can develop as well. Things like the following could be symptom: 

  1. Persistent Stress: A constant feeling of being “on edge” and worried about meeting financial or family obligations.
  2. Physical Ailments: Burnout can manifest physically with headaches, digestive issues, and muscle tension due to prolonged stress.
  3. Decreased Job Satisfaction: Losing interest in or resenting a job that used to bring satisfaction is a key indicator of burnout.
  4. Relationship Strain: Feeling resentful towards your partner or family for not contributing enough financially or emotionally, which can create tension in personal relationships.
  5. Perfectionism: The feeling that you need to be perfect in every area of life—work, home, parenting—can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy and fatigue.

Managing Female Breadwinner Burnout 

Ok, so if you’re feeling like some of the above are really hitting home, let’s talk about managing and hopefully avoiding burnout all together. 

1. Setting Boundaries

Learning to set boundaries in both your professional and personal life is critical to avoiding burnout. This could mean reducing work hours, delegating household tasks, or carving out personal time for rest and relaxation. Again, delegating is essential. 

2. Career Planning and Income Growth

A proactive approach to career planning can help female breadwinners avoid financial stress and burnout. Regularly negotiating for raises, seeking promotions, or exploring new career opportunities can provide long-term financial security. By ensuring steady income growth over time, women can plan more effectively for their futures.

3. Financial Planning

One way to alleviate financial pressure is through professional financial planning. Creating a solid financial roadmap helps female breadwinners feel more secure in their ability to meet both short-term and long-term goals. Working with a financial advisor to establish savings plans, investment strategies, and retirement goals can significantly reduce financial anxiety.

4. Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to ask for help, whether it’s from a financial planner, therapist, or family member. Sharing the emotional and financial load with your partner or trusted advisor can relieve some of the pressure and provide clarity on how to move forward.

5. Self-Care

Prioritizing self-care is essential. Regular physical activity, mindfulness practices like yoga or meditation, and setting aside time for personal hobbies can help reduce stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance. 

I was at the CFP® Board conference this past month and one of the main speakers, Fareed Zakaria, host of CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS  shared an important point from his book that I think applies here. While the US GDP has increased vastly over that of the rest of the world, the happiness of Americans lags. Having more money might indicate a happier life, when in fact cultures with much lower GDP have a higher level of happiness. The key?   Family, friends, social life, pets, hobbies, these are what truly provide happiness globally.  So if you’re considering skipping out on the ‘self-care’ or hobbies, I strongly encourage you to reconsider and make it a part of your regular schedule. 

Take Proactive Steps When it Comes to Breadwinner Burnout, Because You Deserve to Enjoy your Career and Life!

Female breadwinner burnout is a growing challenge for women balancing high-pressure careers, financial responsibilities, and traditional societal expectations. Recognizing the symptoms and taking proactive steps—such as career planning, financial literacy, and self-care—can help alleviate the weight of these responsibilities and lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life. If you’re feeling the stress of being a female breadwinner, remember that support and resources are available to help you navigate these challenges and protect your well-being.

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