Empowerment as a Tool for Success

We received this blog from business coach Roger Lane recently and wanted to share it. Empowerment is such a strong tool for our success and helps us live our life on our own terms.  And, if you don’t feel empowered you can change that by getting the help you need, like working with someone like Roger.


If you are empowered, you suddenly have a lot of business to do because you have the power to do it. If you are unempowered, you have an excuse not to do your business. You have a way out. You have the excuse of being able to do what you have always done and get away with it.

The cost, however, of being unempowered is your self expression, fulfillment and happiness.

You always have the feeling that you have something in you that you never really gave; never really expressed. By simply revealing the effects and costs of being unempowered, you have choice. You can begin to see that it is possible to make the choice to be empowered rather than to function with excuses.

Empowerment requires a breakthrough and in part that breakthrough is a kind of shift from looking for a survival based reason for business to a personal decision to be successful.

If you are empowered, suddenly you step out and create the business that fulfills you and that makes a difference in the quality of others lives.

The business concerns we now have in our community are going to be resolved only when we are brought together by a common sense that each of us can be as successful as we want to be. Each of us must come to the realization that we can function and live at the level of accomplishment and fulfillment rather than just surviving and compromising with our life.

Empowerment comes from a decision to be powerful. When you are powerful you either know what to do or you get a resource/coach who gives you knowledge and support to create your life/business.

At WealthChoice we feel excellent resources are essential for our personal, professional, and financial success.  Please reach out to us if you’d like the contact information for the outstanding business coaches we recommend.

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