2022-Creating an A+ Year Filled with Everyone and Everything you Love

If you were asked to grade your life what would it be?  Would it be an A+?  Would it be a C?

We view the beginning of each year as a time for new choices, hope, change, living life on your terms and getting stuff accomplished.

One of our favorite trusted advisors and life coach extraordinaire, Marcy Morrison, shared this insightful piece with us and we just love it.  Below we share Marcy’s insight and hope it gets your new year off to a terrific start.


By Marcy Morrison-

Happy New Year. I hope that you enjoyed the holidays and took some time to reflect on the past year and create a vision for 2022.

I had someone recently share with me that they were living at a C+ level in a certain area in their life. It was something about the way they shared it that struck a chord deeply within me.

I have read a ton of self-development books and heard about a ton of different ways of how to create our best lives.

But there was something about this that really simplified things for me and I thought – hmmm where am I living at a C+ in my life and then the next question I asked myself is how can I make it an A+.

I first really thought and journaled about what truly is an A+ for me and I got clear on how I want to create an A+ 2022 filled with everyone and everything I love.

Next I took an inventory of my life and career and honestly examined what already was at an A+ and celebrated all of those areas and looked at any areas that were below that. This included looking at where I was showing up at an A+ level and where I was not.

I then went through each area of my life and got clear about what steps I need to take this year to get each area of my life to an A+ and how I can show up in each area at an A+ level.

Some of those changes to get my life to an A+ weren’t and won’t be easy including making decisions to let go of some personal and business relationships that were not at an A+ and knowing that I had tried to get them there and accepting that they would never get there. I knew that by letting them go, I have opened the space to allow in A+ personal and business relationships and again, I took the time celebrate those areas in my life that already are at an A+ and where I show up at an A+.

I am starting 2022 feeling like a breath of fresh air has swept through my life and I have total clarity of how I will create an A+ 2022 filled with everyone and everything I love and I am so excited.

I wish the same for you and encourage you to take the time to think about how you will create your A+ 2022.

You can learn more about Marcy at her website, and reach out to her directly at marcy@careerswithwings.com.  To learn more about how we partner with awesome resources like Marcy to help professional women live better lives, please reach out to us at WealthChoice.


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